In E.S.C.

WHERE: Arterra Bizimodu, Navarra, Spain

WHEN: 1 May – 30 November 2018

WHAT: 2 open positions for the European Voluntary Service project at the Arterra Bizimodu ecovillage to promote eco-sustainable lifestyles. The volunteers take part in the community’s activities in order to gain experience in different cultivation methods, e.g. regenerative, organic and biodynamic, and also in the field of community and personal development and work in multicultural teams.

WHO: 18-30 year-old volunteers, domiciled in Italy, motivated to take part in environmental projects

COSTS: EVS is an experience funded by Erasmus+. TRAVEL / FULL BOARD /  INSURANCE covered by the program. Volunteers also receive a monthly pocket money.

To submit contact (Subject: ARTERRA EVS) attaching CV and motivational letter in English

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