In Active projects, E.S.C.

WHERE:Odemira, Portogallo.

: 7 months starting on October!

WHAT: European Voluntary Service in the Youth sector of the Municipality of Odemira, Portugal, to support the activities carried out with young people in order to involve them in international opportunities, in entrepreneurship, and in training. The selected person will deal in particular with the multimedia production related to the promotion of activities through the use of blogs, social media, video creation and web radio. Find out more about the Infopack: vagas-sve_2018_mo-youth

WHO: volunteers aged 18-30, domiciled in Italy, motivated to take part in educational projects.

COSTS: EVS is an experience funded by Erasmus+. TRAVEL/ACCOMMODATION/INSURANCE covered by the program. Volunteers also receive a monthly pocket money.

To candidate contact us (subject:Odemira EVS) attaching CV and motivation letter form in English.

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