In E.S.C.

??Would you like to find out what are the programs and possibilities that Europe can offer you? Do you know them but don’t know how to access them???

Starting from March the 4th, The CSV Padova with Xena – Centro scambi e dinamiche interculturali offers a new information desk on opportunities for active citizenship and civic engagement, also on an international level, dedicated to young people and third sector organizations.

The information desk is open every Monday from 4pm to 6pm at CSV Padova centre, via Giovanni Gradenigo 10.

The service is free of charge.

Reservation is required.

The information desk is a new CSV’s service, together with Xena, within the project “Il miglior investimento” financed by the Veneto Region with state resources of the Ministry of Labor and social policies.

For further information and reservations: – – tel. 0498686849

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